Me being more sinful and guilty than you. I suppose I'd better put it all out there and up front, so you know where I stand, go ahead get a list, write it all down. Better be justified, have all that righteousness down in writing. Better make it count because one day we'll all have to remember exactly what it is that we did for Him.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die , but after this the judgment:" Hebrews 9:27
“Men” means everybody! Women, and children, that means even babies! We ALL have to one day stand before a righteous judge. “He” meaning God being perfect will use a perfect standard AKA "the Ten Commandments" as His Holy standard or measure of our injustice or sin. If you have ever told a lie, were mad at your parents, didn't go to church on the Sabbath, stole anything, lusted after a person of the opposite sex, wanted something which wasn't yours, put anything between you and God including your own ego, swore, hated, or just sinned; no matter how small. "All" will be found guilty upon judgment.
The trouble is that once we are found guilty there will be a price to pay for our trespass'. The price required will cost us our everything, including our life, the price for our sin can be measured and found in "Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Our God is so awesome “few” can actually grasp the enormity of His righteousness, love, and His grace. We are afforded a gift which is so valuable man has a grand amount of difficulty of wrapping his mind around even the thought. The concept of grace is strange even foreign to our earthly human vessel.
Salvation is priceless. So having access to this gift, are you saved? Do you know where you will go when you die? Do you know without question where you will spend eternity? We have to make choices, we have to either follow man, money, or God. We only get one chance so let me ask you this "can you make the right choice?" "Are you truly saved? Are you 100% sure?"
Do you know that Christ being perfect came into this world without sin? Did you ever consider that He lived a perfect life, one without sin? He became the perfect sacrifice for all of man, He became sin for our sake. "Man has no other way of obtaining eternal salvation except by through Him." Jesus is the answer: "John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Sorry, Islam, it ain't gonna do it, Buddhism, neither, any, and every, other "religion," kook-bin, nut-hut, cult, man made vehicle, device, or method will be measured even close to adequate using perfection as its standard. There is only one perfect standard, God's standard. It takes a perfect lamb, one without blemish. That lamb or sacrifice must be so perfect in every way it also must be one without sin. Will you know for sure that you are thorough, certain, correct, and that you made the right choice? There is a way, one must turn towards Him, turn to Jesus and He will become our own truth, He alone can offer "true forgiveness." He who was without sin suffered and died, He died an excruciating death in our place. He was ridiculed, beaten, hung, whipped, stabbed, and slowly painfully died, all for you. He did all of this in our place, and He did it willfully even without complaint.
Have you ever felt pain? Have you ever felt the type of pain which you felt you didn't deserve? Ever suffered a loss which you felt was wrong, or unjustified? Imagine being guiltless, right in every way, and then punished for something that you didn't do. Imagine getting the death sentence for a crime that you did not commit. Imagine if you can for a moment that you are standing, waiting on death row, facing execution. This is what God did for us. He paid the price with His own life for our sin. He took the chair, the bullet, the lethal syringe in our place. Are you grateful for what He did? Did you tell Him “thank you?” Have you gotten on your face and wept? Did you really mean it when you said you got saved? Are you really saved? And if you are saved "are you born again?" If you were you'd know. That is a promise!
Being saved means that we have begun a trip along righteous row. Just like death row it has a price, that price being our own life. Just like death row it places our crimes and punishment into the hands of a perfect judge. A perfect judge who controls the outcome of our eternal destiny. We as men and women incorrectly often fall into disbelief that we are somehow in control. We seldom ever look into the mirror and truly see what God sees. He meaning God looks beyond our flesh and pears into our heart. How is that heart of yours? Is it perfect? Is it washed in the blood? Is it ready for judgment? Have you begun to walk in His righteousness? What does your fellowship with Him look like? Do you really know Him?
The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"
What are you waiting for? Why do "we" knowing our offense toward God, do we continue to sin? Why do we put our Lord and Savior behind our sinful, earthly, fleshly self? Today I challenge you to get your life right with Him. I promise that we don't have much more time. We are not promised even another breath. Better get that soul of yours, that heart, all that washed up and ready for the wedding, the bridegroom is waiting . That wretched heart is gonna have to be really clean. It's gonna have to washed in a Holy and pure: "Life Giving Blood." There is only one kind of pure Blood that can do that. Better get to know Him while you still can. There will be a test, got the right answers? He does, so you'd better ask Him.
I'll be praying for you brethren...
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