Matthew 7:19-23 "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Many will read this verse and either think or believe that Jesus was only talking to the 12 tribes of Israel and that it doesn't apply to them. Many even will question its meaning and perhaps think or believe He only meant it to the lost tribes. Yet I believe that outlook has severe if not even deadly consequences. He is talking to the lukewarm. Revelation 3:16 tells us: "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
If someone hands you a gift you must take it. You must possess it, actively hold it, care for, and maintain it. God recently gave me a car. Yet being I in this its steward must maintain it. Therefor I must check it daily, drive it, wash it, and go to and from my destination with it. I even must cherish it because it has much value to me. Without it I cannot go very far. Without this tool I would have a difficult time getting to and from work, the prisons, and even church. Yet if I never put any fuel in it I would never go very far.
Our relationship with the Lord is also much like this. He is sort of like our oil company. And since we cannot make oil which provides fuel, oil, even our tires. Without Him we will not only be found broke down sitting on the side of the road, lost without a way back, without aid we will eventually perish.
We can on the other hand act just like Jonah and reject His mandate. We can do actually do whatever it is that we wish. We can continue to walk on our own outside of His presence and live alone and without reverence towards Him. I on the other hand have placed my trust in Him. I try and although not always successful learn from our fellowship. I even try to listen and do as we are told to "try my relationship" in doing so I am ensuring that am walking upright and in the faith.
Cain was Adam and Eve's first child with the burden of tilling the fields. Cain eventually murdered his own brother Able. He also went out from the presence of the Lord "Genesis 4:16." Cain was cursed and he lost a very precious gift. Adam and Eve were later given another child "Seth" whom inherited the bloodline, God's blessing, and also became the steward of God's precious gifts. Here we are a given lesson here a clear lesson of separation, inheritance, blessings and what it is to have to live with either a curse or God's gifts.
Jesus is our lifeblood, a New Testament and therefor our invitation leading to God's bloodline. As adopted children of God we then become heirs. As heirs we enjoy certain gifts and through these in our joy we should each not only become His children we also have a new calling. Foremost that calling is to be in His will and to continue to spread His truth through His word.
Don't reject or loose anything that you are offered from God. There is a price to pay for rejecting Him. That price is an eternity in Hell. We are warned over and over again what we must do. We cannot be lukewarm and just call ourselves Christians. Because when we do so we seal our own fate and will end up if we do not change in a place designed for the destruction of fallen angels. Or as I like to refer it "The Smoking Section!"
I pray that you remain in His will and I thank God for you,
Bro Chuck
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