Ly-O-Lay-Aleloya, The Counterclockwise Circle Dance
From the Native American side of my family comes this song or mystical dance or chant which is called "The Counterclockwise Circle Dance, Ly-O-Lay-Ale-Lo-Ya." This song, is a pouplar European, remix, or top pop CD. This traditional Native American song is part of a Story Game in which a giant cheats in a game of hide and seek, and steals the prize.
I don't speak Navajo, and I've heard that this is theirs. "We," my families native legacy, come from the Ojibwa tribe (1/16th), we're a cousin of the Chippewa, from the North American plains region. If you look at us you can't see but a trace of our bloodline. Its tainted blood anyway, washed, and righteously purified by the King of Kings.
But none of that mystical stuff matters, this song is a children's story, telling us about a mystical giant, which never existed, its almost like a kind of Santa Claus, but for Native American kids. Someone "entrepreneur" in "Germany " I believe there was one in Norway too, decided to make a new age "cult" song out of it, I believe there was a white man version called a blue oyster cult, the "Pearlman," aka blue oyster cult itself, "more cowbell," which was an enemy slip and taught some "don't fear the reaper." I'll say this no, don't fear the reaper, "fear God." Anyway the next thing was that everybody was suing everybody over in Europe.
Christianity or the testimony of Jesus Christ came to America for the purpose of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to all. Jesus came here as a free gift from God to straighten out the world, not that of traditionalism, mysticism, spiritualism or even religion. Religion itself is a type of sin...
White man, as you already know, has a bad wrap, and he deserves it. I know this cause I'm one of them.
As we look at the life of Paul we see that he also came from a traditional religious background. Yet this was while he was still lost "or unsaved" and didn't know any better, because he was following the local and current Jewish custom (kind of like me or us before I/we was/were righteously saved). He (Saul) thought and believed that all of the Christian's were crazy (been there-done that). So he went out and was killing them. He like oh, about 90% of all christians (small "c") had not yet been enlightened to the truth concerning Jesus Christ. In many ways Saul (like the rest of the world) was dancing in a backward circle (straight towards hell, both figuratively and realistically) fighting against God.
When you open up and actually read or "study" II Tim 2:15, the World (aka the Bible). We (before we repent) are in many ways a reflection of Saul of Tarsus (which is why God put this in there), because truly; prior to understanding the truth, we were all out to murder "hate" (1 John 3:15) Christians. Because as much as Saul thought that he was right, in his traditional belief (prior to his salvation) there was little about his behavior that was intended to be good aka "Godly or Christian,"which God had already proclaimed to His own people. The true God fearing religious leaders of the day soon learned that Jesus was real and Saul became Paul who became our (the gentiles) segway. Read and study the book of Acts.
God doesn't want for anyone to go to hell. So because of your sin, He offered His only Son Jesus Christ as the only way of receiving God's forgiveness for our sin.
Once saved, Christian man, has been called to be a messenger of truth, a minister. "He" meaning God, through the Holy Spirit, is not just talking to preachers, He is speaking directly to all Christian's!
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
As Christians, we are all called to tell the truth to a lost and dying world. This message or truth we know, is not politically correct. And the enemy hates the truth, because he hates the truth that he is at war with God, and he's going to loose.
With true repentance or turning around towards "Christ"or in the opposite direction, in which we are now going. We learn to trust God and turn and begin live a new life in Christ (by being born again in body and spirit). One which now includes daily fellowship, true faith, and a well founded and established trust and belief in God, which ultimately means that we are no longer are living for the world.
As Christians we will be led through many trails, tests, and acts of endurance. And contrary to what many believe, these will come, and it wont be easy. our flesh nature instinctively wants to run away and hide from this, yet if we don't go through these tests and trials, it is no wonder why some will never learn or fully grasp the process of true discipleship or Christian growth. And it really all because our spiritual leaders really are leading us in the wrong direction.
I pray that your fellowship in Christ be fervent, founded in truth, and that you maintain Godly perseverance, that you are filled with a burden of conviction, which is founded on faith. As we go out into the world we need to be reminded that we too were once lost, and headed for hell, we were out there like the rest of the world singing, "Ly-O-Lay-Ale-Lo-Ya." Yet because of our new life in Christ, we now need to proclaim the truth to a lost and dying world, we need to tell them about Jesus Christ. I recently discovered a new way of doing this (write this down because it really works) it merely starts with a prayer in the morning, an extended hand, then a handshake, and by introducing yourself, like "Hi, I'm Brother Chuck, I see that;" you're listening to music, shopping, or buying gas, breathing, dying, living; use "Anything," to start a conversation or a witnessing about eternity, and God's true plan for us..." Try it, it really works...
I really like your Blog brother Chuck. God has truly gifted you! Keep allowing God to work thru you!
ReplyDeleteBro.T Welch
FBC Meliisa Prison\Jail Minister
Chuck Chuck O Chuck
ReplyDeleteThat was some creepy music, reminded me greatly of my new agey days.
The words you wrote were great!
Keep on Brother Keep on!