It was during one of these sales meetings that I heard the song "Lose Yourself," by Eminem, which is a song that rather uses dual meaning messages about drugs and seizing the moment or getting psyched up and ready to go out into the world and sell, sell, sell.
In one of the less offensive verses the artist tells about going back to his "Lab Again," which is supposed to mean to make records" but could also mean to make crack, rock, crystal, or methamphetamine's. The bottom line here is that he is singing to a captive audience, "our kids."
Here are the lyrics; "He's so stagnant that he knows when he goes back to his mobile home, thats when it's back to the lab again yo. This this whole rhapsody, He better go back capture this moment and hope it don't pass him."
In another verse he talks about selling his soul to the adversary, that's satan, to accomplish his worldy mission which is all about fame and fortune "bling" if he seizes the moment while it is available; "The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping. This world is mine for the taking. Makin me king, as we move toward a new world order. But superstardom's close to post mortem."
So, are you paying attention to the world, are you hearing and seeing the enemy? Did you catch the subtle, filthy Superbowl commercials? Did you notice that the intended audience was you, your kids, and your neighbors? It is all supposed to be funny, cute, even rhythmic. But I promise you this, it's deadly. Don't fall for the tricks of the enemy. Get on your knees and get your face in the Bible. Just like the Facebook you know about already.
So here's my new rap song...
Turn to Him now, Jesus Christ.
He is the only way to ever get back your own real life, right.
You don't have to wait for the night, He's there right now, and you know how, All you've got to do is move to His groove, which is Holy.
And I promise you that, it won't be only all smack, But its worth it, because He wouldn't have done what He did on the cross, so that you could live. Along side of Him, in a place called heaven, its through His blood, and our believing, which is the only way, that you can ever repay, God for His Son, paid for your sin,
Avoid the noise, stay away from your boyz, and the filth on the street which happens to those you meet, and that don't go home, and that's a long po'em.
Turn to Him now, Jesus Christ. Ask Him to set you free, come on just do it...
Jesus Christ, He is the only way to ever get your life right.
Repent from the world, turn to Jesus Christ...
Yeah, He loves you, you know that's right, He show'd you that!
Pray for the lost. Pray for enlightenment. Pray that it will stick!!!
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