I was having an intimate discussion with my wife. She and I don't always seem to communicate very well as we each seem to view the world from what seems to be two completely different perspectives. We each believe we are right, and we are each concerned about others, yet we seldom agree. I tried to explain to her just why I believe that I am right and why she also believes that she too is right. Yet in order for both of us to be right, our perspective must be in line with God.
Whenever we see something we must understand what God has to say about the issue. If I am not a believer and outside the church when I look at something I tend to remain in-line with what would be considered a worldly view. Being that my wife doesn't embrace the Godly church principle, she views the world from outside of God's light. SO that being said as both Christians and non Christian view something we will always see things differently. Which is why we saw the same things differently as we each comprehended with the foundation of truth centered on whom we ultimately serve.
I told her about my role while here on earth. I likened it to the job of my uncles while growing up whom were all Chicago Firemen. My uncles actually were legends and each left his own legacy. My uncle Norm "Storm" would get to the fires and would run in and have the fire out before the hoses and ladders were deployed. The other firemen would look in amazement as he would quickly get in and get each fire out before it ever got out of control.
My Uncle Tony was a Lieutenant and he was a fireman's Lieutenant, a true fireman's fireman. He put the lives of his own men, before politics, property and remained a Lieutenant his entire officer career because he didn't play the political game and was concerned with the lives of his men. Rather than the preservation of evidence and the political roles which was required for promotion. Its sad that the world is the way it is and that it is this way. Lets face it firemen are there for the primary purpose of living lives. Yet they function also to preserve evidence for both insurance liability and criminal prosecution should fires be found and determined to have arson and been started for the purpose of monetary reward. Because of man's love of money, many of today's fires are started because of human greed. And as our firemen are sent to these types of fires often they face unknown challenges which are not always realized as they enter these burning buildings.
My other legendary uncle is my Uncle Ed, an "Engineer." He too a hero, but for a sad reason. He was one of the surviving firefighters from an incredible blaze which resulted in the death of all of the firemen from one company that were killed during a major commercial building fire. That story which later became part of the story of the movie "Backdraft." The untold story was that there were far worse fires in Chicago's history. And these fires actually left him scared with a type of guilt that I'm sure he had to deal with throughout his life. As a result of this and because he was an in-law, he was not always well favored among my other uncles as they often told stories about the fires and embellished these with their own spin.
I have likened my own duties as a minister, a preacher, and as an evangelistic teacher of the gospel to be very similar in responsibility as those of a firemen.
Imagine being in a room, in the middle of a building which has a blazing out of control fire raging around it. Because you've conditioned yourself to be around fire often. Even with walls collapsing, and flames tearing through the roof. From where you stand, you have no idea that you're in danger. A fireman suddenly bursts in and offers you help. But you are not equipped to leave. So he instructs you to put on the lifesaving equipment he has to take you safely through the fire with him. You have a problem though, you'll have to strip of all your clothes you are wearing and change into a garment designed to protect you from the flames. Because what you are wearing now, wont fit what you need to put on.
So here's my question; "Will you give up all of your things, all of your earthly treasures, and accept His offer?
Jesus is actually the real fireman in our lives. He died on the cross for one reason, to save you from hell. His death though is not in vain. He came for a purpose and people just don't want to look at this in that way. My uncles were truly hero's. But Jesus is the real hero, and unlike the stories of my uncles. Jesus' name doesn't come up very often in conversation. It's amazing that this is so. He has with Him, everything that we need to be saved for all eternity. Yet that acceptance comes with a heavy price. That price is to much though for most and nearly all are unwilling to accept. Because man has to give up everything he has to serve God. It's a tough choice I know, but one which indeed has to be made within our lifetime.
This is not to say that we cannot live our lives as Christian's and actually remain in the world. But the truth is that living a true God fearing lifestyle. Will result in the loss of many old friends as begin the process of repentance we reject the world and cling toward fellowship with God instead.
Where will you be spending eternity?
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important aspects of any ministry is prayer. Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer are the most important components of our ministry and walk with Christ that's all. Oh, and don't for get the Word, reading the Word of God, AKA the Bible, Repentance, Prayer, His Grace, and Mercy, and that's really it. Oh, and Christ dying on the Cross, but that's it, Christ crucified, which is the Cross, Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, God's Grace, His Mercy, and that's it that's really all you need. Oh, and the Holy Spirit! And that's it, and Fellowship, and God's Will and that's it!!! Oh, and Love... And Obedience...
ReplyDeleteAnd the Father, which is God in Heaven! But that's it!