Sunday, June 17, 2012

I AM SO R R Y !!!

I am sorry for telling people the truth concerning eternity and salvation especially when it concerns the testimony of Jesus Christ!

I am sorry for pushing my Lord and Savior towards you in the hope that you would see what He has to offer.

I am sorry that Jesus is the way the truth and the life!

I am sorry that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

I am sorry for every other religion out there that believe the many lies concerning other ways yo heaven which condemns them to hell, for all eternity.

I am sorry that you do not believe you are sinner and that somehow you believe that your good works will take you to heaven.

I am sorry that your sins are so despicable and that because of these without a savior you will go to hell for all eternity.

I am sorry that the wage of sin is death; sorry but that came from God and is not my opinion.

I am sorry that you won't read the Bible for yourself and learn why Jesus died and why you truly need a savior.

I am sorry that I love you so much that I must continue pray for you and that you will soon turn away from your sin, away from the world, repenting and turning to God instead and accepting Jesus' payment for your sins.

I am sorry that I love you more than I love myself.

I AM SO R R Y !!!

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