Friday, June 15, 2012

Unregulated Diesel and American Combustion Engine Emissions Melt Mars!

I believe that it is time that we send many of our most noted lawyers to Mars to fully investigate this horrifying truth!  Billions of ice crystals gone for ever!  And as it is well known among us Liberal elitist's "water can never be replaced!"

Beginning with our President, His entire Cabinet, The Vice President, Sir Al Gore, along with many of our nations top Eco Lawyers all be sent to Mars immediately to fully investigate this horrific news and perhaps our nation for once and all can seek further laws to regulate this Martian tragedy!  Now all of those Baby Loving, Gun Toting, Bible Believing Christian Creationists finally will have the proof they never wanted that America is in fact responsible for the global warming on Mars.  These Republican Anti Women hate groups will then finally get their much denied evidence and real scientific truth.

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